The ISIS School of Holistic Health
Centre of Shamanic Courses
Based in Glasgow, Scotland, UK
Centre of Classic Shamanism, Egyptian Mystery School Courses, Priestess of the Moon Training, Rays of Divine Consciousness, ISIS Healing, Meditation
Shamanism, spirituality, esoteric, and personal development courses:
The School provides an extensive programme of courses and teachings for those interested in shamanism, spirituality, the esoteric, and personal development to expand their awareness and open their sacred heart. It is a place of compassionate learning and study with the emphasis on empowering people to develop their inherent connection with the Divine Light within and awaken.
The ISIS School offers teachings on:​
Ancient Egyptian Spirituality – The Path of ISIS
Centre for Shamanic Courses
Priestess of the Moon Training
The Rays of Divine Consciousness & DNA Activation
Past Life Regression Therapy Courses
Ancient Egyptian Spirituality – The Path of ISIS
Ancient Egypt Mystery School Teachings – The Path of ISIS – the Teachings of the Living Light, is a spiritual path that takes the practitioner, step by step, into awareness and embodiment of the Divine Self spanning lifetimes of existence. The Goddess ISIS, a representation of the Divine Mother energy, is the path opener into the mysticism of the ancient Golden Times.
The ISIS School offers teachings and Initiations for the Path of ISIS in person and through online courses. The Introductory Course for the Path of ISIS Teachings is the Spiritual Path of ISET, Part 1. In 2025 this Course is available In Person (March 2025) and Online (April 2025).
We also offer weekly ISIS Energy Transmissions of the Living Light so people can experience this beautiful vibration of unconditional love.
Shamanism is one of the most ancient of spiritual practices. Through working with helping spirits, we can access parallel realities / universes and receive guidance and deep healing, embody our divine spirit, and help our life and community.
The School offers a wide range of Shamanic Courses for beginners and experienced practitioners, a community Shamanic Circle that is Online and In Person on Monday evenings, and in 2025/26 we will offer a comprehensive one-year In Person Shamanic Practitioner Training (starting 31st Oct 2025) and Online Shamanic Practitioner Training (starting 3rd-5th Oct 2025) that includes shamanic journeying, soul retrieval, power retrieval, shamanic extraction, death and dying, medicine for the Earth, healing with spiritual light and Transfiguration. In November 2024 the School is offering a Live Online Five Day Soul Retrieval Practitioner Course. The five day soul retrieval workshop is part of the prerequisites for the shamanic teachers training.The Advanced Shamanic Practitioner Course coming in 2026 specialises in Ancestral Healing. The prequisite for this course is the Live Online Shamanic Ancestral Course, Path of the Eagle 3, which starts 21st January 2025.
For those who are looking for non-practitioner courses we recommend the Introduction to Shamanism and Shamanic Journeying available Online in Nov 2024 and In Person in March 2025 and the Earth Shamanic Apprentice (dates TBC). We also offer an extensive range of Online Shamanic Courses which you can work with at home.
And for something different on 23rd December we will offer a special Ceremony – Shamanic Dance of the Sacred Spirits. The Ceremony is a healing dance for the Earth, everyone taking part, and all beings. It is a dance to bring change to our world and increase the vibration of the Earth, healing disharmony and suffering. This is a circle of service, for those who have a pure intention to work for the highest good.
Fotoula Adrimi is an experienced shamanic teacher, part of the Global Shamanic Teachers network. She trained with Sandra Ingerman, and with other western teachers and indigenous shamans in N. American and Nepal. Fotoula also carries a shamanic lineage from ancient Greece that runs in her family.
Priestess of the Moon Training: New Circle starting Feb 2025
Applications Now Open
In February 2025 we start a new Circle for the Priestess of the Moon Training.
For thousands of years ceremonies took place in sacred prehistoric sites in the Celtic Land facilitated by the Priestesses of the Moon. This ancient shamanic lineage is being reintroduced through The ISIS School, to bring the ceremonies and teachings back to the world.
The two-year Training leads to a Spiritual Celebrant qualification to conduct ceremonies for the Wheel of the Year, as well as funerals, naming ceremonies, hand fasting, blessings and rites of passage, celebrating major life events.
The ISIS School offers a unique attunement and spiritual practice of the Rays of Divine Consciousness. Divine Consciousness, in the form of high vibrational energy, flows into the body, through the opening of the crown attunement, which takes place in a sacred site, during the Rays of Divine Consciousness Shamanic Retreat.
There are 12 Rays in total, the same number as the spiritual DNA code. The practice strengthens our energy body and restructures our spiritual DNA. The Rays are a gift enabling us to enter into higher states of consciousness. The School offers Monthly Transmissions of the Rays for you to experience this energy.
Meditation is a tool to help us tame the conditioned mind, open the heart, develop self-awareness, expand our perspective, and increase the flow of positive energy into our life. Spiritual practice also helps us detach from the patterns that hinder us from connecting with our true essence. The School teaches a holistic meditation practice that includes silence, conscious breathing, sacred mantras, gratitude and guided visualisation practices. Fi Sutherland, who has been meditating daily since 1995, facilitates an online weekly Meditation and Chanting Circle on Thursday evenings.
In this 6-day Course we explore our incarnations beyond time, in what we call the past or the future, to bring closure to what hinders us, heal deeply, evolve, and transform.
Since graduating as a Clinical Hypnotherapist from the University of West London and the London College of Clinical Hypnosis, Fotoula has found that people sometimes carry issues, patterns and spiritual blocks from other lives into their current life. Some even experience physical conditions, the root cause of which originated in another life. She has developed the Past Life Regression Practitioner Course from her extensive experience of working with clients and with the help of her spirit guides.
And for particpants who have attended the Past Life Regression Practitioner Course there is an Advanced Course – Master Practitioner Past Life Regression Course. In this important and profound teaching we truly work multi-dimensionally.
Fotoula Adrimi BA(Hons), MSc
Shamanic Teacher, member of the Global Shamanic Teachers network, best-selling author, teacher & channel of the Mystery School of Ancient Egypt, and spiritual coach. Fotoula's work initiates inner transformation, through awareness and connection with our inner light and soul's purpose.
Fi Sutherland BEd (Hons)
BSc (Psychology)
Teacher of the Path of ISIS, energy healer, therapeutic counsellor, and meditation teacher.
The focus of Fi’s work is on helping people embody their true Self and live their life in accordance with their soul's purpose. She supports people to live in a happier and more authentic way.
I can't thank you guys enough for holding the space for healing and growth.
That's priceless!!!! Deep gratitude!
I´ve been experiencing some incredible expansions and changes recently and I know that what is opening within me is very connected with all the ISIS Energy Transmissions, the Path of ISIS teachings, practices and circles, and with the light activations, which have been profound for me. The energy that comes through your offerings is unlike anything I´ve experienced elsewhere. My perception is opening; my ways of seeing and experiencing life and reality are changing in ways that feel quite miraculous. It´s hard to describe in a few sentences. I am trying to say that I can see that all the teachings and transmissions are coming through and touching my life in the deepest, most expansive and incredible ways. I am grateful beyond words, thank you!
Love, Miriam