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For thousands of years ceremonies took place in sacred sites overseen by Priestesses and Priests of the Living Light. This lineage is being reintroduced through The ISIS School, to bring the ceremonies and teachings back to the world. 


Fotoula Adrimi, teacher of Priestess Training, remembers this lineage through her spiritual connection. Whilst connecting with the prehistoric sites and standing stones, she communicated with the ancient spirits who continue to call women to the path of the moon.


This is the path of the inner mystic, where the cauldron represents the womb. In its dark waters, we read the omens. Inside our bodies is the void out of which new life, new possibilities and new realities are born. The women weave the old and the new under the subtle and powerful energy of the moon. 


Priestess of the Moon Training

Once participants complete the Priestess Training, they may wish to create their own Temple of the Moon and hold ceremonies for the benefit of themselves and their community. However, as the Temple is always within us,

this course can also be completed as part of of your ongoing spiritual development. 

The Priestess of the Moon Programme

Priestess Training Circle

Photo: ©Gill Hastie

Fotoula's first encounter with Hecate in 2005 opened her own connection with the moon. She saw herself in a circle of women, all dressed in black, chanting and calling the primordial cosmic mother. This fleeting vision opened her path to ancestral healing, self empowerment and deep ceremonial work. Fotoula facilitated the first Priestess of the Moon Circle in 2012-2014 and another in 2020-21. And now, the Goddess is calling for another circle of women to gather and enter this ceremonial space of learning. 


This is a two-year Priestess Training programme, encompassing personal and spiritual development, as well as practices and ceremonies for working in the community.

Once participants complete the Priestess Training, they may wish to create their own Temple of the Moon and hold ceremonies for the benefit of themselves and their community. However, as the Temple is always within us,

this course can also be completed as part of of your ongoing spiritual development. 

Priestess Training starting 2023

Priestess of the Moon Training

In February 2023 the Priestess of the Moon
2-year Training Circle began in Scotland, UK


Dates for a New Priestess Circle TBC

Dates for 2023-2024 Circle

Year 1, 2023:


03-05 Feb: Full moon Initiation in a prehistoric site 

in Kilmartin, Scotland 


17-19 March: Spring Equinox & waning moon


16-18 June: Summer Solstice & dark moon


15-17 Sept: Autumn Equinox & new moon


15-17 Dec: Winter Solstice & waxing moon



Year 2, 2024:


02-04 February: Imbolc & waning moon


03-05 May: Beltana & waning moon


02-04 Aug: Lammas & new moon


01-03 November: Samhain & new moon. We open the Circle in Kilmartin and we will close it in Kilmartin. This Ninth Circle in the Celtic new year heralds both an ending and a new beginning. 

This two year programme is a ceremony in itself.

We will work with the cycle of the year and the moon phases in a way that is appropriate to our calling and inherent skills. 

The Priestess Course Structure

​The first and last priestess circles take place in Kilmartin, where we will work in the prehistoric sites related to the moon. All other circles venue TBC (Scotland, UK). 


Friday evening to Sunday late afternoon:

19:00-21:00 Friday

10:00-21:00 Saturday

(10:00-17:00 Teaching, 19:00-21:00 Ceremony)

10:30-16:30 Sunday



The format for the weekends


On Friday night we set the circle, share our sacred space and start the teaching. 


On Saturday, during the day, we journey, conduct rituals and teach the ceremonies.


On Saturday evening we hold a closed Ceremony, which we will all co-facilitate. This enables us to learn how to work and share rituals with the community.


On Sunday we reflect, share and go deeper into the priesthood teachings and moon work.

The Priestess Training Programme

The Priestess of the Moon Training adopts a cross-cultural approach. During the course we explore ancient traditions of the Goddess and female priesthood from different cultures around the Earth, such as ancient Greek, Celtic, Shamanic, Native American and Himalayan.


Participants can find their own representation of the Goddess in whatever way is suitable for them and their beliefs.


  • Acquire spiritual knowledge and increased self-awareness;

  • Learn ceremonies for the well-being of the planet;

  • Learn sacred practices for blessings and major life event ceremonies
    for yourself and your community, such as death rites, naming ceremonies (for babies and adults), hand fasting, moon ceremonies;

  • Learn how to hold Circles and Ceremonies for Equinoxes, Solstices, and the four Fire Festivals

  • Practice ancient ways of connection; 

Priestess Training Programme
  • Create a way of staying centered, connected and aware during the transitional times of this era;

  • Work with enlightened spirits for the Highest Good;

  • Build a network of support for your work, both etherically & physically;

  • Build and dedicate your own Temple (either inner, outer or both);

  • Receive initiation and join the ancient Priesthood of the Moon

How to Join the Priestess Training

This will be a Circle of women who are committed to working together for two years. Participants will need to 

complete the whole programme to graduate. Apart from the first and last weekends which take place in Kilmartin, Scotland, all training weekends will be held in the Glasgow Theosophical Society, 17 Queen's Crescent, Glasgow, G4 9BL, Scotland, UK.


Registration for this course is open. Please email us for the application forms:


Cost: £3,450.00 for the two year programme  

(Deposit is non-transferable and non-refundable)


Payment Plan 1 

Deposit: £453.00 on confirmation of your place. £333.00 for each training weekend, payable before weekend begins. 


Payment Plan 2

Deposit £458.00 on confirmation of your place. £136 monthly from January 2023 for 22 months.

This monthly amount can be reduced if you wish to start paying for the training earlier than January 2023. 


Payment Plan 3

Deposit £450.00 on confirmation of your place. Pay £2,850.00 for the remainder of the programme costs before 31st January 2023. This is a £150 discount on total course fees.

(Total fee is non-transferable and non-refundable).


(Please note: All deposits are non refundable and non transferable. Also, participants are required to pay the total fee, even if they drop out before the course finishes. See also our terms and conditions).


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