Worldwide Earth Healing Meditation
Co-Creating a Network of Light
Join our global weekly meditation and support the Network of Light that is being created around the Earth
When we meditate or engage in any spiritual practice with a pure intention and for the highest good, we raise the vibration of the planet.
Every Wednesday morning from 7.30-9.00am (UK) Fotoula and Fi, the teachers of The ISIS School, invite you to meditate with them from your own home. You can do whatever meditation practice you wish and you can meditate for 30mins, 1hr or 1.5hrs. If 7.30-9.00am is not convenient for you, you can meditate at another time and intend to connect with Fotoula and Fi – our practice is beyond space and time. Together we can create a global network of infinite light that will support the Earth and all beings.
There is no need to let The ISIS School know if you are joining with us.
Note: This meditation practice is additional to and does not replace the Wednesday evening ISIS Energy Transmissions of the Living Light that takes place 19:00-20:00 UK time.
Dedicating your Practice
Our combined intention for this meditation is for the highest good of all beings, in the physical and spirit realms, for all time and space, including Mother Earth and including ourselves. At the end of the meditation, if you wish, you can dedicate your practice. By dedicating, it is believed that the energy of your practice continues to work beyond time and space.
Dedication suggestion: Staying in the meditative state, place your hands in prayer position, thumbs touching your third eye and say words to this effect: "I dedicate this practice to the highest good of the Earth and all beings and in support of the Network of Light around the Earth. May all beings awaken into the Divine Essence that lies within." After a few seconds, move your hands, still in prayer position to your throat centre, and then your heart centre.
Grounding: For anyone who wishes to be more grounded during the meditation and generally in your life: As you start to meditate, imagine that from your root chakra, you have energy cords or roots that extend deep into the Earth, anchoring you to Mother Earth.